Thursday, March 22, 2018

Will a Supercars Mabeanie channel succeed?

Hey guys!

The answer is yes. At least the data suggests so.

In the last quarter, the views that my channel has received have been directed at both of my Supercars-related videos.


Focusing on the views made by subscribers,

 my Friday Night Fun V8 Supercars 3 video got 28% of watch time (28 min) and 1 view in this quarter (Jan. 1st to Mar. 20th, 2018), and my 2018 Supercars predictions video got 20% (19 min) and 2 views.

In addition, the predictions video got a 100% viewing average across the 2 views, whereas my V8s 3 FNF video got a 67% viewing average for its only view of the quarter.

Remembering that this is only about the views and watch time from existing subscribers to my channel, I already have an audience for Supercars videos. One thing that should also be noted is that such content is not regular, and may have been viewed because of its unusual nature on my predominantly gaming-related channel.

Looking at the channel overall,

the Supercars predictions video comes in 2nd in terms of watch time after my long-time most popular video, the envelope edit tool tutorial. The tutorial got 72% of the watch time this quarter, with 520 minutes of watch time, with the predictions getting 3.9% and 28 minutes of watch time.

In terms of views, the tutorial remains at the top with 523 (61%), and the predictions fall down to be 9th in the order with 6 views (0.7%).

Hooking an audience

One of the positives of the Supercars video is the number of viewers who aren't subscribers. What's more is that the average viewing duration doesn't just drop off after the first second, and reaches halfway through the video. In addition, one person (out of the 7) watched for 100% of the time and is from New Zealand, a prime Supercars location. This means that I'm reaching an audience. All I have to do is target them and bring them in by focusing on things that they may be interested in, while also maintaining my own interest.

I also hope to collaborate with other Supercars channels such as Supercars with Shane, and Hobbo88 (mostly a racing simulator channel but he's a fan of Supercars with a fanbase that comes with it).

I'm quite excited about the future of MrMabeanie in its future identity as Supercars Mabeanie. However, I should play it safe by testing the waters of Supercars videos before I fully commit.

See Ya!

PS: I also hope to use my friend Ihasnotomato to draw extra attention to my channel by doing more collaborations.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Why I've ever had any success on YouTube

2010 - videos on popular things, but not so many videos that I burn people out.
2011 - videos on popular things, although quite a large amount of them.
2012 - none of the stuff that succeeded in previous years, and doing more seedscribers was not a good move. xmas video did well for no reason, and a video on a popular thing did well also.
2013 - no plan, just doing what i felt like. huge variety of content.
2014 - continuing with 2013's success, and bailing out before it got too repetitive.
2017 - milking friendship with ihasnotomato, variety but old stuff.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Big Changes on my YouTube channels

Hey guys,

Since Ihasnotomato launched Ihasnotomato Draws, and explained how he came to the decision, I've been thinking about making similar changes to my channels.

For almost 8 years, I've been doing gaming videos. This doesn't represent the way that I see myself anymore.

Right now, I want to change the following:

  • MrMabeanie -> Supercars Mabeanie
  • TheMabeanie -> Mabeanie Gaming
  • Mabeanie2 -> Mabeanie Talks
The way that I've come to this decision is different to how Ihasnotomato came to his.
Tomato launched Ihasnotomato Draws because he wanted to draw (no pun intended) more attention to his artwork and related projects. Another factor was that the drawing videos were considered by his viewers to be extra content to his TF2 content, rather than equally important.

The situation is very different on my own channels.

MrMabeanie is not about anything in particular. I run Friday Night Fun as well as a bunch of different series on Mondays. One of my greatest passions is Supercars, and I think that it will be a good change to reorganise all of my channels to represent me better.

TheMabeanie has never had any videos that take attention away from gaming videos, and has been more about gaming than MrMabeanie due to the former's focus on Let's Plays. If I move Friday Night Fun onto TheMabeanie, and have all gaming content be on TheMabeanie, then this may serve to reinvigorate TheMabeanie and improve its standing amongst my channels.

Mabeanie2 has always been the junior of the three channels. Its content has always been extra to MrMabeanie, and I would like to do more videos in which I talk about things. So Mabeanie2 will become equal next to its older brothers and also serve a more unique purpose.

The channel that I'm most concerned about is MrMabeanie, because I don't expect my passion to last forever. Of course, there is nothing wrong with changing things when necessary, and I haven't come up with very many ideas on what videos I could do. This is mainly because I haven't been focused on that part.

Just thinking out loud :)

See Ya!