Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Everything in General

I'm not having a great time.
This semester at Uni has sucked tremendously for me.
I will cut down the number of courses that I will do next semester so that I can do better work.

I just wrote a DeviantART journal talking about all of the things that I want to publish there. I've also got to finish my novel. I want to get a film project rolling. I want to spend time with friends, maybe design some games. Maybe write a story.

Now that I am out of the clutches of University study (for now), I hope to get cracking on my creative efforts. I need some time to relax a bit, because diving into so much work will probably burn me out quickly.

I also have to do more recording sessions for Pickle-Shaped Peanuts and IM Industries (one is planned for tomorrow). Pickle-Shaped Peanuts is in a strange position right now. We haven't officially decided to continue for a further six months yet. Angrove doesn't want to do any editing, so it will limit the amount of content that we can make. We'll go from three editors and styles of editing to two, as both myself and Mickell Pickell are perfectly happy to continue contributing to the channel. When we organise a recording session we'll probably come to some conclusion.

See Ya!