Friday, January 28, 2011

2 in 1

Hey guys,
ready for a double post cos i have two things to say and they won't make much sense when told in one post.

1. Thank god for swear words.
So unfortunately you never found out who won in Tyranids vs Orks. The truth is
that i didn't want to make a three part gameplay and squished everything
together. So that explains the blackness. But what about who won? Well, it was
me in fact, you might have noticed i was destroying the orks and i took out
their turrets and then their base, i'm as upset as you are and that explains
the title name.

2. The second thing.
So the second thing is that the next gameplay vids will be put into parts in random numbers depending on how the editing comes out, which means any black bits could mean there will be a post like the previous.

So guys, that's it for today, and school is starting so it might be like last year with 2 gameplays except no screw ups with the internet.
See ya!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A montage thingy.

Hey guys,
this time on the blog, i've put together a montage thing using Zombie Driver as a base for the video. Theni got some FX on vegas and screwed around until something cool happened.
And basically it did. I will shorten the poll by a couple of days or so, and i'll start work on the fourth gameplay, yes there will be more this year, and hopefully no more bad stuff happening.
Hoope you enjoyed the montage, but if you haven't seen it, you just have to click the link on my link list that says: My YouTube Channel, or just click this link.
See ya!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Whatever it is... (Concluded)

Don't worry, i figured it out.

Whatever it is...

Hey guys,
you may have noticed the lack of gameplay videos so far on my channel. There is a reasonable explanation behind this. I don't know. For some dumb reason i can't upload my gameplay vids because of some unknown error. Meanwhile the only things i can upload are much smaller and pathetic videos that aren't proper gameplays. Accept this as a common YouTube fault and not my own screw up in video making.
See ya!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New years resolution

Hey guys,
this time on the blog i've worked out how to do some stuff on Garry's Mod. As you know i DON'T have gmod but i will have it soon. To put that more acurately i will get it in a month or so. Or so.I did that on purpose.
news flash: new vids on channel. As your reading this you're probably bashing yourself on the head with something thinking 'No crap'
Whoops i sweared.
Seeya guys!