Thursday, July 21, 2016

City Without Skylines might be more fun

Hey guys,

Yesterday I came up with a new idea for City Without Skylines which would involve looking at other people's maps and making observations of what happens when you do nothing to fix them.

It's less similar to Day 200, but it's more fun to record and edit because of this. I may have said this before, but Cities: Skylines is not like Prison Architect and so I can't properly recreate Day 200 on a different game.

Rather than looking at different parts of one collapsing city across an entire series I might (because it's possible that things may change) look at one city per episode and just watch how it survives without the almighty player's intervention.

Welp! The toilet is now free.

See Ya!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Group channel ideas

Last night I spoke with Mickell Pickell about some of my ideas for the group channel we want to do with Angrove. Here are some of the channel art ideas I had, which also give ideas for content, names and imagery.

This last picture is Angrove's ideas that I drummed out of him. Some of them are jokes and others are serious thoughts.

See Ya!