Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My Games Opinion.

(Taken from a comment on a video on the same topic by DonaldDuckTheViking)
The thing is that I have already bought a bunch of games over my time as a gamer. I found that I was interested in them at the time. A good example of my purchases is Mass Effect. I didn't buy it, but I wanted it. Someone paid for it. My Mum or Dad probably.

When I first heard of Mass Effect it was through someone who was a big fan of the whole series. I loved the idea that you could choose what to say to people. I loved how the way you ended one game would affect the way the next one played for you. I didn't buy Mass Effect 2. This is because I haven't finished Mass Effect. The reason I haven't finished it yet is because I always find myself interested in another game I have. Nowadays, if I find something I really love and I invest many hours in playing it then that's a good game.

Prison Architect was one I found through Sjin at The Yogscast. He played it for a few episodes and then he lost interest. Because of that I bought the game. I don't play it much anymore but I still find it's worth my money. Games that require one cost and that's it are games I'm happy to buy. I don't think I've ever bought a DLC or expansion without it coming with the game anyway.

So games are made to make money. I know that and have for a very long time. One of the problems I had when I first started considering myself a gamer was money. I couldn't afford games out of my own pocket. This encouraged me to really want a game. Minecraft changed my life, and not for the better. I saw the flaws in it that affected my education. I don't play it anymore. I have no room in my life for it. I now see that there is more to gaming life than just one game. I have lots of games. Playing a lot of one game helps me analyse it. If I play it so much I want the sequel then the devs have done something right. I'm talking about the Dawn of War series. I have all of the first series and the first two of the second series. DoW is discontinued now, I can't play DoW 2 anymore and that makes me sad. But it was stupidly difficult to get it installed. You needed a bunch of accounts and the ability to get onto Microsoft Live. It was difficult then to play and it's even more difficult now.

Gaming life is full of choices. All of them will affect you in some way, big or small. From making YouTube videos I saw myself as I am. I don't look to my past, because I know I've learned from it.

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