Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Slowly getting there

Hey guys,

So again I come to report on my progress on my next Supercars video.

As I described in a previous post, I'm looking for a topic that really clicks with me. I'm slowly getting there. I have 3 ideas in the works that I am the most passionate about: Simona De Silvestro and difficulty in the category, the changing of the guard and when exactly it happens, and when the most competitive seasons were.

The first two are my biggest favourites, with the changing of the guard probably being my first preference. It's a complicated topic that demands preciseness, which makes it a little fun. It's so complicated that half of that idea is just coming to a solid idea of what a changing-of-the-guard is, how to spot it, and when it has happened in the past. So far my answer has been that such a change happens almost every season. It's a slow and ongoing process. So then I've gone on and on, getting really tangled in it. Like I said, it's a little fun.

The Simona one is an issue that gets to the heart of how freaking difficult it is to get in and stay in the category. Dismissing a driver as just being not good enough is unfair if you consider all of the factors that go into results.

I think that the changing of the guard one will probably go first. It's more personal to me, so I want to talk about it.

So that's your update for my future reference.
Enjoy! Just generally.

See Ya!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Assassin's Creed 2 LP over

Hey guys,

Tuesday was the final episode of my Assassin's Creed 2 series. Obviously I didn't finish the game, and when I last attempted to record for it the game wouldn't work because of some error with Uplay.

Anyway, now TheMabeanie will have mainly Friday Night Fun videos, which this month will be more commonly posted there due to the plan. There will be 75% of Friday Night Fun videos on TheMabeanie. This channel probably took the longest to... Actually no, Mabeanie2 hasn't had a video that is in keeping with the plan yet, so TheMabeanie is the second slowest with MrMabeanie still waiting for its next Supercars video.

It's a difficult position to be in, but I know that it's what I want to do. The plan is all about being true to myself and doing what I want, rather than what I think I should do.

So now the lack of gaming videos will become more noticeable on MrMabeanie, with Seedscribers having a few more videos to go before I have done an episode for everyone. TheMabeanie might become a more pleasant channel with videos that I want to make actually going there. Friday Night Fun in general has been struggling to get views, but I think that it's because of the games that I'm choosing to play. I have a video idea, but will probably go on to TheMabeanie.

Anyway, that's your update.

See Ya!