Saturday, May 14, 2011

Will It Ever End?

Hey guys,
this time on the blog i've released a new series on my main channel, MrMabeanie, and i've desided to give my other channel, TheMabeanie a rest. That's because i went and began to understand how much it costs and what my limit is on internet and megabytes i can use.
Also, i mentioned earlier on my MrMabeanie channel that i've decided to release a Portal 2 walkthrough. Well, that too has been held back. That's because i'm going to wait until i've finished the game and then i'll walk you through it.
That's all,
See ya!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Scratch, Scratch and Purr...

Hey guys,
this time on the blog i've got a couple of quick updates and things of note for you guys to remember, so make sure you understand what you're reading:

MrMabeanie - I've got some Portal 2 videos coming up. The first chapter is done and ready for uploading, but i've got to wait for some paperwork to come in so i can continue: It's about my internet.
TheMabeanie - Minecraft with Mabeanie episode nine is up so check it out if you want to. Episode ten is rendered and ready but i can't upload it for the same reason i can't upload ther Portal 2 video on MrMabeanie. Also; the end of series one will commence at episode twenty, and then i'll upload random minecraft videos. I've been pretty busy on the MwM world and i hope to have an interesting town at some point in the series.

The Mabeanie Blog - I've changed the design a bit if you've probably noticed. It took a while since i wanted to try different templates but it all roughly looks the same.
The Toggle Blog - Still no idea of what to use it for, i've thought of uploading videos that never made it to my channels like recordings with no voice or sound, but that took too long so i gave up.

That's it for now, i hope you continue to check out my web pages and videos. See you guys next time!